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Gemfan 31mm Biblade 1210 Props (for 65mm whoop) - 8 Pack

Gemfan 31mm Biblade 1210 Props (for 65mm whoop) - 8 Pack

Regular price $3.29 USD
Regular price $3.29 USD Sale price $3.29 USD
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This is one of my favorite propellers to pair with a 702 motor. If you're a 702 fan, you have to try this prop! You'll get way more responsiveness out of the motor and an overall much more aggressive build compared to triblades. These specific props are a bit more "slippery" compared to triblades but this does a lot to make an ultralight 702 build actually feel a lot more like a 5" quad. 

This is prop is my favorite and, in my opinion, most fun propeller to fly on 702 motors BUT, given that it is a little more "slippery", it isn't going to be the fastest choice for an old school super tight track with tiny gates. 


Pitch:1 inch

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